For the third year British Embassy Sarajevo’s Green Forum has taken on the task of tree planting on the Igman mountain
All staff, spouses and kids joined in together on Saturday 17 September to plant an additional 50 trees on one of the most visited mountains around Sarajevo. This task has become very special for all employees and their families as each year while planting new trees, staff get to see how much the ones planted a year and two years earlier are doing. A very special bond has developed, as children now mark the area around their tree, to make sure they recognize theirs next year, then it grows from a seedling to a sapling and starts showing itself in its real beauty.
British Embassy Sarajevo through the work of the Green Forum has built an excellent relationship with the Sarajevo Forests Company who care for the planted trees throughout the year, as well as for all of the surrounding area. Mountain Igman indeed looked glorious in the September sun, proud with many new trees planted, and grateful for the attention and care.
Read more: British Embassy Sarajevo Green Forum in action
» Planinarska Tura – Mountain Tour «
117 Godina Meteorološkog Opservatorija na Bjelašnici
Članak posuđen iz Dnevnog Avaza broj 5780 (izdanje subota, 01-Oktobar-2011)
Priča o Meteorološkoj opservatoriji i prvom meteorologu iz Austrije koji je po kazni zbog ljubavnih jada i nevjere završio na 2.067 mn/v
Priča o Meteorološkoj opservatoriji i prvom meteorologu iz Austrije koji je po kazni zbog ljubavnih jada i nevjere završio na 2.067 mn/v
Za lijepog vremena s opservatorija se vide čak i crnogorske planine
Priča o jednom USPONU, jednom MAČKU i jednoj FOTOGRAFIJI
Fotografija i tekst: Nedim Bosnić
Onima koji ne vole puno da čitaju u najkraćem: Mačka Penjača sam snimio nakon uspona vrha Bjelašnice 01-Novembra-2009, neposredno pored Meteorološke opservatorije. Možda će vam biti neobično da se tamo gdje je riječ o planinama pojavi priča o mačku. I meni je bilo neobično da ga taj dan sretnem baš na tom mjestu. Očekivao bih možda psa pored opservatorije na 2067 metara nadmorske visine, ali mačka nikako. I još nešto. Nikad nisam bio ljubitelj mačaka. Sve dok nisam sreo Mačka Penjača. Zato ovu priču posvećujem tom riđem "planinaru" koji mi je uljepšao prvi novembar 2009.
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